There are some things in the world
money can’t buy, one of them is Culture. There were many companies who
had immensely deep pockets, great products, and even great leaders, but
who were nothing more than a revolving door. Why? Because those
companies lacked culture. Company culture starts at the top and at UiM
we help leaders to understand the dynamics of company culture. We also
ensure that our leaders know how to create cultures that invite,
nurture, and sustain organizational growth from the very beginning.
UiM events provide you with the tools, training, and resources you need
to help you achieve your goals and become a successful leader who has
the education, experience, and belief needed to become a powerful,
professional network marketer.
UiM is committed to helping you build your business while supporting
your personal growth as well. As a matter of fact, with our world-class
training and the exciting events we hold throughout the year, we “wow”
you at every single stage of your growth with us. Grow your business,
upgrade your lifestyle, and create lifelong memories with our incredible
team of leaders.
We create courses that are aligned with the needs of the business, anchored by strategies, key business principals, current leadership challenges, and the company’s core values. By focusing our trainings on real business building scenarios, students don't struggle to connect-the-dots between training and real life when they go back home to work their businesses.
UiM designs its curriculum as an engine for driving strategic alignment; innovation; global mindset; and collaboration; while also teaching market creation for new business building opportunities.
We utilize current delivery methodologies such as live and virtual blended e-learning through which we offer the following UiM programs: SEAL (Service, Education and Learning) Training, Train the Trainer, Advance Building Blocks, and Speak Easy (Certification Courses).